Epithelial cells: cell biology and role in lung disease

Thematic Poster Session
Chairs: R. Lutter (Amsterdam, Netherlands), R. Bals (Homburg/Saar, Germany)
Response of respiratory epithelial cells to chronic intermittent hypoxia
M. P. d‘Ortho, Y. Boussadia, V. Pruliere-Escabasse, J. F. Papon, A. Coste, E. Escudier, D. Isabey, C. Philippe (Paris, Créteil, France)
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Activation of the plasma kallikrein-kinin system on respiratory epithelial cells
J. Varano della Vergiliana, N. Asokananthan, G. Stewart (Perth, Australia)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
LSC 2010 Abstract: Inhibition of innate host defense in airway epithelial cells by cigarette smoke in an in vitro infection model caused by suppression of NF-κB activation
C. Herr, C. Beisswenger, C. Vogelmeier, R. Bals (Germany)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
The crosstalk between neutrophils and lung epithelial cells upon endotoxin exposure
A. Boots, K. Gerloff, C. Albrecht, D. van Berlo, G. Haenen, A. Bast, R. Schins (Düsseldorf, Germany; , Netherlands)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
DAMPs released by cigarette smoke-induced necrotic epithelial cells initiates an epithelial innate immune response
M. van der Toorn, J. Zijlstra, A. Troszok, A. van Oosterhout (Groningen, Netherlands)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Alternaria fungal extracts disrupt the barrier function and induce secretion of inflammatory cytokines in airway epithelial cells
M. Leino, C. Blume, E. J. Swindle, S. T. Holgate, D. E. Davies (Southampton, United Kingdom)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Cross-talk between human lung fibroblasts and bronchial epithelial cells regulates MUC5AC and MUC5B production
C. Harrop, G. Campbell, R. Gore, S. Herrick, D. Thornton (Manchester, United Kingdom)
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa airway infection induces bronchial epithelial VEGF synthesis and angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo
C. Martin, G. Thévenot, S. Danel, J. Chapron, A. Tazi, J. Macey, D. Dusser, I. Fajac, P. R. Burgel (Paris, France)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Mucociliary function of nasal epithelium of patients with Samter‘s triad before and after desensitisation to aspirin: In vitro measurements
C. Hauck, S. Markmann, F. Braunschweig, R. M. Huber, F. Gamarra (Munich, Germany)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
ST2 on airway bronchial epithelial cell promotes vascular remodelling in the lung
G. E. J. Murphy, A. S. Mirchandani, P. Kewin, N. C. Thomson, M. C. Shepherd (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
The physicochemical properties of nanoparticles determine the mechanism of uptake by human alveolar type I epithelial cells
A. Thorley, T. Tetley (United Kingdom)
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Nanoparticle induction of oxidative stress in human alveolar epithelium reflects surface chemistry
P. Ruenraroengsak, A. Thorley, T. Tetley (United Kingdom)
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Congress or journal article abstract
Effect of vitamin D on expression of cathelicidin LL-37, pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes involved in vitamin D metabolism in mucociliary differentiated bronchial epithelial cells cultured at the air-liquid interface (PBEC-ALI)
J. A. Schrumpf, M. A. J. A. van Sterkenburg, S. Zuyderduyn, P. S. Hiemstra (Netherlands)
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Congress or journal article abstract
Interleukin-13 regulates the epithelial ion transport in lower airways in vivo
P. Anagnostopoulou, L. Dai, J. Duerr, J. Schatterny, S. Hirtz, M. A. Mall (Heidelberg, Germany)
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Congress or journal article abstract
17β-estradiol inhibits IL-8 in cystic fibrosis by up-regulating secretory leucoprotease inhibitor
S. H. Chotirmall, C. M. Greene, I. K. Oglesby, W. Thomas, S. J. O‘Neill, B. Harvey, N. G. McElvaney (Dublin, Ireland)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Bronchiolitis obliterans formation by epithelial-mesenchymal transition in lung transplant recipients
A. Al Rabea, S. Al-Mot, A. Levesque, C. Poirier, C. Bergeron (Montreal, Canada)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Syk mediates BEAS-2B cell migration and proliferation in response to injury and HRV infection
X. Wang, M. Mychajlowycz, C. Lau, C. Gutierrez, C. W. Chow (Toronto, Canada)
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Characterization of an in-vitro co-culture model for the human alveolar barrier
L. Farcal, A. Price (Ispra, Italy)
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Congress or journal article abstract
Monocyte differentiation towards regulatory DC is maintained during RSV infection in airway epithelial cells
K. van der Sluijs, C. Obregon, K. Mühlemann, T. Geiser, L. Nicod (Lausanne, Switzerland)
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Effect of superoxide dismutase on apoptosis of respiratory epithelial cells during oxidative stress
M. Bruijn, R. Lutter, A. P. Bos, J. B. M. van Woensel (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
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