New promising ways to treat cystic fibrosis

Chairs: D. Bilton (London, United Kingdom), H. Tiddens (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Aims: The aims of this symposium are to:
- increase the knowledge of the basic defect in cystic fibrosis (CF) and the clinical consequences;
- inform about the therapies well under way that may circumvent the basic defect and hopefully improve outcome without increasing the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.
New targets for CF therapies: hyperosmolar agents
I. Sermet-Gaudelus (Paris, France)
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Correctors and potentiators: to treat patients with individual mutations
E. Kerem (Jerusalem, Israel)
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Neutrophil elastase inhibiton in CF: can it be done and will it help?
S. Elborn (Belfast, United Kingdom)
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