How to approach and treat fungal and viral respiratory infections

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Chairs: Stijn Blot (Ghent, Belgium), Christoph Lange (Borstel, Germany)
Aims: To discuss the latest information on the epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of rare infections; to discuss debatable data, especially those in diagnosis; and to stimulate vigilance in the audience that will help to minimise the incidence of these diseases.
Target audience: Clinicians, fellows and scientists.
Viral infections in immunosuppressed patients
Felix C. Ringshausen (Hannover, Germany)
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MERS-CoV infection
D.S. Hui
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Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in immunosuppressed patients
George Dimopoulos (Athens, Greece)
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ERS/ESCMID Clinical Practice Guidelines: Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis
David W. Denning (Manchester, United Kingdom)
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