Obstructive sleep apnoea in adults and children

Chairs: Maria Bonsignore (Palermo, Italy), Refika Hamutcu Ersu (Istanbul, Turkey)
Aims: To discuss how to recognise the child at risk for sleep-disordered breathing and the associated morbidity, summarise the value of polysomnography and other objective methods in determining severity of sleep-disordered breathing, present a stepwise treatment approach and compare diagnosis and management of sleep-disordered breathing in children and adults.
Target audience: Respiratory physicians with an interest in paediatric OSAS, paediatric respiratory physicians, sleep medicine specialists and general paediatricians.
Cournand lecture - Inflammatory pathway activation by intermittent hypoxia in obstructive sleep apnoea
Silke Ryan (Dublin, Ireland)
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WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
ERS Statement: Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children 2-18 years old. Risk factors, associated morbidity, predictors of persistent disease and assessment of disease severity
Athanasios G Kaditis (Athens, Greece)
WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children 2-18 years old: indications for treatment, stepwise treatment approach and recognition and management of persistent disease
Stijn Verhulst (Antwerp, Belgium)
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WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
Diagnosis and management of OSAS in children and adults: similarities and differences
Renata L. Riha (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files