Physiological year in review

Hot topics
Chairs: P. Levy (Grenoble, France), P. Palange (Rome, Italy)
Aims: This hot topic will provide new concepts and biological or physiological findings applied at integrative level and thus allowing a better understanding of respiratory diseases pathophysiology. Target audience: Clinicians, clinical researchers, research fellows.
Oxidative stress in lung cell physiology
A. Henrion Caude (Paris, France)
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New insights in pulmonary vascular biology and pathophysiology
A. Dinh-Xuan (Paris, France)
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Fluctuations in airway function: chronic asthma seen as a complex dynamic system
U. Frey (Bern, Switzerland)
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Interactions between the respiratory system and the brain for understanding dyspnea
T. Similowski (Paris Cedex 13, France)
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