Donation after Cardiac Death (DCD) donors for lung transplantation

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Chairs: A. Varela De Ugarte (Madrid, Spain), A. Boehler (Zurich, Switzerland)
Aims: This symposium on nonheart-beating lung donation aims to give an overview of the differences between a classical heart-beating and a nonheart-beating donor, with specific emphasis on the inflammatory responses and hormonal changes. Since organ shortage is still the mechanism that hampers further increase of lung transplantation worldwide, the use of non-heart beating donors may in some way alleviate this shortage. The practical use of these donors will be discussed and also the early and long-term results with the use of such lung donors.
Difference between brain death (heart beating) and DCD donors
J. Dark (Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
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Definition of DCD donors and practical issues
D. Van Reamdonck (Leuven, Belgium)
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How big is the DCD donors pool?
E. Verschuuren (Groningen, The Netherlands)
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Early and mid-term results after DCD lung transplantation
A. Glanville (Sydney, Nsw, Australia)
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