Management of dynamic hyperinflation during exercise in COPD

Chairs: C. Tantucci (Brescia, Italy), R. Casaburi (Rancho Palos Verdes, United States of America)
Aims: This symposium will:
• provide an updated overview of the effects of different interventions on dynamic hyperinflation with particular attention to its relevance for the management of patients complaining of exercise intolerance. Target audience: Physicians, pulmonary physiologists and technicians interested in the mechanisms and management of the exercise intolerance of the COPD patients for their clinical practice, rehabilitation programmes or research.
Dynamic hyperinflation: an old concept with new implications in respiratory physiology
P. M. A. Calverley (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
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Effects of bronchodilators on dynamic hyperinflation. Implications for exercise tolerance
D. O'Donnell (Kingston, Canada)
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Amelioration of dyspnoea after training: role of dynamic hyperinflation
L. Puente Maestu (Madrid, Spain)
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Supplemental oxygen and heliox and dynamic hyperinflation during exercise
P. Palange (Rome, Italy)
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