Practical Workshop - Management of obstructive sleep apnoea

Practical Workshop
Chairs: S. Andreas (Immenhausen, Germany), R. L. Riha (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Aims: The aim of this session is to provide basic knowledge about the major indications and contraindications for poly(somno)graphy and optimisation of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. This includes a short description of the spectrum of sleep-disordered breathing and of the parameters used to perform sleep studies. Moreover, the physiological basis, main principles of treatment and also the major acute and chronic side-effects of CPAP treatment will be discussed.
Finally, solutions to optimise CPAP use will be presented. In the final part of the session life demonstrations will take place.
When should you use polysomnography / polygraphs?
J. Verbraecken (Antwerp, Belgium)
Slide presentationMultimedia files
Slide presentationMultimedia files