Novel regulators of alveolar liquid clearance

Chairs: B. Crestani (Paris, France), J. Hamacher (Bern, Switzerland)
Aims: The aims of this symposium are to: update the audience on the identification of ion and fluid transporters, other than the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), which are implicated in sodium transport and alveolar liquid clearance; and discuss the identification of novel regulators of alveolar epithelial sodium uptake, which could lead to novel therapeutic approaches for combating oedema formation and cystic fibrosis.
The lectin-like domain of TNF, an unexpected regulator of sodium transport
R. Lucas (Augusta, United States of America)
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Regulation of ENaC activity by alpha1-antitrypsin
S. Matalon (Birmingham, Al, United States of America)
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The serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase in alveolar transport regulation
F. Lang (Tuebingen, Germany)
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Pharmacology and regulation of ENaC function: implication in cystic fibrosis
F. Becq (Poitiers, France)
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