Infection year in review

Hot topics
Chairs: A. Torres (Barcelona, Spain), R. Cosentini (Milan, Italy)
Aims: This symposium will provide state-of-the art updates on four important infection topics that have seen advances over the last year. The latest developments will be discussed, based on recent key literature, by experts in the respective areas.
Multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis: epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment
G. B. Migliori (Tradate, Italy)
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Lower respiratory tract infections: bacteria and virus, antibiotics and steroids
S. Ewig (Bochum, Germany)
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Healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP): a new entity?
T. Bauer (Berlin, Germany)
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Influenza: still a threat?
A. Osterhaus (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
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