Diagnostic interventional procedures

Poster Discussion
Chairs: L. Freitag (Hemer, Germany), M. Marel (Prague, Czech Republic)
Early detection of pre-invasive lesions using autofluorescence LIFE bronchoscopy in comparison with conventional bronchoscopy: results of six years of follow up
A. Vonk Noordegraaf, R. Breuer, P. E. Postmus, T. G. Sutedja (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Why the fibrobronchoscopy (FB) and the CT-scan have the same importance for establishing the correct staging of lung carcinoma a 4 years study in a respiratory unit
R. Ulmeanu, E. Crisan, T. Ciprut, I. Cordos, R. Stoica, F. Mihaltan, A. Macri, C. Paleru, C. Saon, M. Alexe, P. Grigore (Bucharest, Romania)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Tracheobronchomegaly with tracheobronchial diverticulosis: clinical, aetiopathogenic and bronchoscopic study of 63 cases
V. Mangiulea, R. Ulmeanu (Bucharest, Romania)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Evaluate the use of transthoracic fine-needle aspiration biopsy in diagnosis of lung cancer
R. Wlodarczyk, K. Jahnz-Rozyk, T. Plusa, A. Matuszewski (Otwock, Warsaw, Poland)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Diagnostic accuracy of pleural needle biopsy
Z. Ocal, S. Ozdogan, E. Torun, B. Caglayan (Istanbul, Turkey)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnostics of solitary lung nodes - evaluation
M. Djuric, D. Povazan (Sremska Kamenica, Yugoslavia)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Usefulness of various diagnostic techniques during fiberoptic bronchoscopy for endoscopically visible lung cancer: should cytologic examinations be performed routinely?
E. Karahalh, A. Yilmaz, H. Türker, K. Özvaran (Istanbul, Turkey)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Bronchoscopic findings after fire accident
P. W. Kunst, A. Vonk-Noordegraaf, G. S. Sutedja (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Role of the ultrathin bronchoscope in small airways of smokers with and without airflow obstruction
K. Minemura, S. Ishizuka, M. Tanaka, H. Takizawa, T. Yoshida, I. Kasuga, K. Utsumi, K. Ohyashiki (Tokyo, Japan)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Transcutaneous needle biopsy of thoracic lesions: a direct comparison between a fine needle and a large, cutting needle in 191 consecutive cases
P. Collard, J. Nsabimana, L. Goncette, B. Weynand, D. O. Rodenstein (Brussels, Belgium)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Evaluation of the transbronchial flexible-needle aspiration biopsy in lung cancer diagnostics
M. Stanetic, Z. Eri (Banja Luka, Bosnia; Sremska Kamenica, Yugoslavia)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
The sequence of bronchial brushings and biopsies during flexible bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of bronchial carcinoma
S. M. Packham (Margate, United Kingdom)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
The clinical usefulness of virtual bronchoscopy in patients with hemoptysis and normal chest x-ray – comperative evaluation with fiberoptic bronchoscopy
S. S. Kourelea, T. A. Vontetsianos, V. Maniatis, A. Rigopoulou, G. Birba, K. Lymperopoulos (Athens, Greece)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Predictors of symptom severity and patient satisfaction pre-fibreoptic and post-fibreoptic bronchoscopy (FOB)
A. R. Scott, D. McEvoy, R. Boots, S. Morrison, I. Brown (Brisbane, Australia)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
A comparison of endobronchial brushing and submucosal needle aspiration techniques in suspicious submucosal dissemination of bronchial carcinomas
M. Gorguner, H. Kaynar, L. Saglam, M. Meral (Erzurum, Turkey)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Cytological examination of the whole endobronchial brush in bronchoscopic diagnosis of lung cancer
K. A. Gaber, D. J. Farrell, J. M. Goldman (Torquay, United Kingdom)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Bronchoscopic needle aspiration method in the diagnosis of lung diseases
M. Gorguner, M. Akgun, U. Tutar, H. Kaynar, L. Saglam, A. Mirici (Erzurum, Turkey)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Transbronchial biopsy of solitary pulmonary nodules. High diagnostic yield with low dose CT-guidance
H. Hautmann, M. Henke, U. Szeimies, R. M. Huber (Munich, Germany)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Diagnostic yield of histology transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) of enlarged mediastinal nodes in lung cancer
F. H. Hermens, K. C. Van Engelenburg, F. J. Visser, A. Termeer, J. P. Janssen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract