Deconstructing the developing lung at the single cell level to determine phenotypes and cell-specific targets of bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Mini symposium
Chairs: R. Morty (Heidelberg, Germany), N. Ubags (Epalinges, Switzerland)
Aims: to contrast and differentiate cell-specific changes and cell-cell interdependency in the pathogenesis of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) compared with normal lung development, to provide new phenotype-directed and cell-specific targeted strategies for the prevention and treatment of BPD using systems biology approaches; to define the evolution of lung cell heterogeneity and transcriptomic diversity at single-cell resolution across late lung development; to differentiate phenotypes and endotypes of BPD using transcriptomic approaches together with clinical characteristics; to contrast individual cell types and their proportion in phenotypes of BPD using scRNASeq; to identify cell-cell communication and interdependency by combining systems biology with phenotypes of BPD; to describe new preventive and therapeutic strategies with cell-targeted approaches; and to decipher innovative avenues to protect and regenerate lungs through integration of transcriptomics, proteomics and individual risk. This symposium will not only compare new cellular and molecular insights into the origins of different phenotypes of BPD, but also contrast cell-cell interaction and interdependency in healthy lungs and phenotypes of BPD. Beyond the novel mechanistic insight, the speakers will also describe exciting new therapeutic strategies such as cell-targeted therapy and how the use of combined systems biology will drive precision medicine.
Phenotypic diversity of the lung vasculature during a period of rapid postnatal growth
C. Alvira (Palo Alto, Stanford, United States)
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Placental impact on the developing fetal lung and phenotypes of bronchopulmonary dysplasia
E. Taglauer (Boston, United States)
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Novel therapeutic cell-based strategies for neonatal chronic lung disease: pros and cons
B. Thébaud (Ottawa (ON), Canada)
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