Chairs: T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium), A. Simonds (London, United Kingdom)
Aims: As COVID-19 was only recently discovered, the long-term effects are still relatively unknown, researchers are looking into parallels with other diseases and trialling long-term management options. This session will explore the current care pathways, rehabilitation options, long-term impact on the lung, risks of re-infection and palliative care.
Care pathways and virtual consultations
I. Vogiatzis (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation
Rehabilitation recovery
S. Singh (Leicester (Leicestershire), United Kingdom)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation
Long-term impact the lung and beyond
F. Blasi (Milan, Italy)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation
Palliative care
D. Janssen (Horn, Netherlands)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation
Discussion, question and answers and closing
T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium), A. Simonds (London, United Kingdom)