Malignant pleural effusions

Chairs: G. Cardillo (Roma (RM), Italy), M. Froudarakis (Alexandroupolis, Greece)
Aims: To present the recently completed statement of the ERS task force on malignant pleural effusions and the primary results of AMPLE 2 and TAPPS, which are two recent randomised controlled trials on pleural malignancy. An update on the results of recent trials on the oncological management of mesothelioma will also be provided.
2018 ERS-EACTS statement on malignant pleural effusions
A. Bibby (Bristol (Avon), United Kingdom)
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WebcastSlide presentation
What is the best oncological management strategy for mesothelioma in 2018?
A. Scherpereel (Lille, France)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation
Talc slurry vs. talc poudrage: primary results of the TAPPS trial
R. Bhatnagar (Bristol, United Kingdom)
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WebcastSlide presentation