The latest in lung cancer

Chairs: Prof. Jean-Paul Sculier (Bruxelles, BE, Dr. Achim Rittmeyer (Immenhausen, DE)
Aims: This session will help to further strengthen the role of the pneumologist within the field of thoracic oncology
CT screening for lung cancer: is it ready for prime time yet or how to enhance pre-test probability?
David Baldwin (Nottingham, United Kingdom)
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Solid, liquid or volatile? What is the latest issue when diagnosing suspicious tissue in thoracic oncology?
Rainer Wiewrodt (Münster, Germany)
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Diagnostic-therapeutic sequences in advanced NSCLC: how to best standardise and personalise your strategies
Anne-Marie Dingemans (Maastricht, Netherlands)
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Immunotherapy in locally advanced and metastasized NSCLC: 2nd line, 1st line, liftoff!
Jair Bar (Tel Aviv, Israel)
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