Genetic and environmental factors influencing the health effects of air pollutants

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Chairs: S. T. Holgate (Southampton, United Kingdom), W. MacNee (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Aims: The aims of this symposium are: - to summarize epidemiological evidence of the major health effects of air pollutants; - to describe the current concepts of mechanisms of injury from air pollutants; - to synthesise supportive evidence from animal models of the genetic determinants of health effects from air pollutants, focusing particularly on the mechanisms of injury; - to present evidence from human studies of the genetic determinants of health effects from air pollutants, and their potential clinical and public health implications.
Epidemiology of air pollution and health
B. Brunekreef (De Bilt, The Netherlands)
Slide presentation
Slide presentation
Genetic susceptibility to the effects of air pollutants: evidence from human studies
I. Yang (Southampton, United Kingdom)
Slide presentation
Slide presentation