Radiology Grand Round, an interactive session

Major Symposium
Chairs: F. Kummer (Vienna, Austria), M. Hauser (Oslo, Norway)
Aims: The aim of this interactive session is to present pertinent radiological cases that display information relevant to the pulmologist. Under the instruction of experienced chest radiologists, the audience will be familiarised with diagnostic algorithms in thoracic imaging, including the latest developments, such as multislice computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Through electronic key pads, the audience will actively take part in the session by proposing differential diagnoses and by voting on diagnostic solutions for the clinical issues of the presented cases. This interactive design will guide the audience through the cases and emphasise the ?take home messages? inherent to each presentation.
A 46 year-old male smoker with a recent history of hemoptysis
G. Ferretti (Grenoble, France)
Slide presentation
Slide presentation
A 60 year-old male smoker with a chest radiograph requested by his insurance company
G. Ferretti (Grenoble, France)
Slide presentation
Slide presentation