PG11 - Pneumonia epidemiology and diagnosis

Postgraduate Course
Chairs: A. Torres (Barcelona, Spain), F. Blasi (Milan, Italy)
Aims: The main target of this course is to update the participants on current advances in the knowledge regarding the management of LRTI.
At the conclusion of this course, the participant will be able to :
• understand the correct methodological approach to the diagnosis of LRTI;
• define the role of the noninvasive and invasive techniques for microbiological diagnosis;
• understand the advantages and the limits of prophylactic strategies;
• understand the value and the limits of current therapeutic indications.
Epidemiology of community- and hospital-acquired pneumonia
A. Torres (Barcelona, Spain)
Slide presentation
Slide presentation
Role of chest radiography and CT scan in the diagnosis and severity evaluation of pneumonia
G. Ferretti (Grenoble, France)
Slide presentation
Slide presentation
Aetiology of CAP and HAP - role of noninvasive and invasive diagnostic methods
F. Blasi (Milan, Italy)
Slide presentation
Slide presentation