Spanish and Portuguese Programme 2017

Chairs: V. Coelho Pinto Hespanhol (PORTO, Portugal), I. Alfageme Michavila (Sevilla, Spain)
Aims: The aim of this session is to discuss key issues in respiratory medicine, providing the opportunity to hear about the latest scientific developments by representatives of these societies. Note that the presentations will be conducted in Portuguese or Spanish, and in English, with dual projection of slides in either Spanish or Portuguese and English.
Impact of Clinical and Pathological assessment on IPF treatment and prognosisImpacto da Clínica e avaliação patológica em tratamento e prognóstico IPF
A. Martins Morais (Maia, Portugal)
Slide presentation
Slide presentation
Spanish registry of bronchiectasis: update and resultsRegistro Español de Bronquiectasias: actualización y resultados
M. Martínez García (Valencia, Spain)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation
Would new drugs and regimens permit shorter TB treatments? Up to dateNovos fármacos e regimes permitiriam tratamentos mais curtos? Atualizar
M. Pretti Dalcolmo (Rio De Janeiro/Rj, Brazil)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation