Urban air pollution and human health

Chairs: Christian Taube (Leiden, Netherlands), Stephen T. Holgate (Southampton, United Kingdom)
Aims: The aim of this session is to summarise the latest knowledge on how climate changes affect the air composition and hence directly influence lung function, lung physiology, and lung pathophysiology. The audience will become aware of the impact the worsening course of global warming will have on human respiratory health. Physicians dedicated to protecting human life from the greatest threat to health and survival will describe the health impacts of continued fossil fuel use and pollution, and how to guarantee a livable world for future generations.
Effects of inhalants altered by climate change: the role of controlled human exposure studies
Chris Carlsten (Vancouver, Canada)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation
Lung cancer carcinogenesis and air quality
Zorana Andersen (Frederiksberg, Denmark)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation