EW27 Hands-on polysomnography

Educational skills workshop
Chairs: Renata L. Riha (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Aims: To introduce and provide an overview of polysomnography, including wiring up, troubleshooting signals, scoring studies, and interpreting the report.
Target audience: Absolute beginners and anyone wishing to refresh their understanding of full polysomnographic sleep studies, including physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, students, and researchers with a professional interest in sleep medicine.

Educational Material

Handout EW25-27
Reading list EW25-27
How to access educational materials from mobile devices
Workstation 1: Approach to full polysomnography: the basic techniques in terms of setting up and wiring up
Andrew Morley (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
PDF journal article, handout or slidesSlide presentation
PDF journal article, handout or slidesSlide presentation
Workstation 2: Data acquisition: what can go wrong? What does it look like when it goes right?
Simone De Lacy (London, United Kingdom)
PDF journal article, handout or slidesSlide presentation
PDF journal article, handout or slidesSlide presentation
Workstation 3: Scoring sleep using AASM guidelines. A brief introduction to scoring respiratory events, arousals and limb movements.
Elizabeth Hill (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
PDF journal article, handout or slidesSlide presentation
PDF journal article, handout or slidesSlide presentation