Severe asthma phenotyping

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Chairs: Guy Brusselle (Ghent, Belgium), Peter Sterk (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Aims: To describe the state of the art regarding the four main severe asthma phenotypes, provide insights into the role of clinically-relevant biomarkers that relate to different phenotypes; and discuss the usefulness of biologics as add-on therapy in selected severe asthma phenotypes.
Target audience: Clinicians, clinical researchers, research fellows, and basic scientists.
Early-onset allergic severe asthma
Ratko Djukanovic (Southampton, United Kingdom)
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Late-onset persistent eosinophilic severe asthma
Ian Douglas Pavord (Oxford, United Kingdom)
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Neutrophilic severe asthma
Fabio L. M. Ricciardolo (Orbassano (Turin), Italy)
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