Asthma: emerging risk factors and current management of the patient

Lunchtime session
Chairs: Maria Gabriela Belvisi (London, United Kingdom), Ian Douglas Pavord (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Aims: To learn about the latest treatments, clinical developments and thinking in the areas of asthma risk, management and treatment.
Target audience: The session will be most relevant for practicing clinicians, including respiratory physicians and paediatricians, but it will also be relevant for epidemiologists and translational scientists.
Known and emerging risk factors for asthma development: is prevention possible?
Richard Beasley (Wellington, New Zealand)
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Targeting the interleukin pathway in the treatment of asthma
Kian Fan Chung (London, United Kingdom)
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Novel insights into the genetics of smoking behaviour, lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in UK Biobank
Ian P. Hall (Nottingham, United Kingdom)
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WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files