Lung function: effects on method, machine and disease on the measurement

Oral Presentation
Chairs: Waldemar Tomalak (Rabka-Zdroj, Poland), Jellien Makonga-Braaksma (Woudenberg, Netherlands)
LATE-BREAKING ABSTRACT: Ultrasound capnography: A simple and indirect way to assess airways resistance
Paolo Ruggeri (Messina, Italy), Paolo Ruggeri, Salvatore Calcaterra, Francesco Nucera, Irene Coppolino, Giuseppe Girbino
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
The impact of gas analysis technique on the measurement of single breath gas transfer (TLCO)
Joanna Shakespeare (Coventry, United Kingdom), Joanna Shakespeare, Natalie O’Reilly, Rhian Hughes, David Parr
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Postural change in lung capillary blood volume is less in pulmonary hypertension (PH) compared to healthy controls
Patrick Jak (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Jerica Sinkeldam, Ivo Van der Lee, Herman Groepenhoff, Patrick Jak
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Non-invasive measures to detect ventilatory limitation during exercise
Kevin De Soomer (Antwerp, Belgium), Kevin De Soomer, Karlien Van Den Eynde, Pjotr Even, Wilfried De Backer, Ellie Oostveen
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Decisive factors during treadmill and cycle exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
María Alfonso Imizcoz (Pamplona, Spain), María Alfonso, Pilar Cebollero, Juan Bautista Gáldiz Iturri, Sonia Herrero, Vanesa López, Milagros Antón, Javier Hueto
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Validation of the oxygen uptake efficiency slope in children with cystic fibrosis and tetralogy of Fallot
Paul Burns (Glasgow, United Kingdom), Paul D. Burns, James Y. Paton, Caroline King, Patrick Jamieson
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Effect of posture on lung clearance index (LCI) and lung volumes in children with early stage cystic fibrosis lung disease
Laurie Smith (Sheffield, United Kingdom), Laurie Smith, Felix Horn, Helen Marshall, Ina Aldag, Chris Taylor, Jim Wild, Alex Horsley
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
FEV1 predictions from NHANESIII and ERS/GLI12 differ significantly
Olinto Linares (Murray, United States of America), Olinto Linares Perdomo, Dave Collingridge, Matthew Hegewald, Robert L. Jensen, John Hankinson, Alan Morris
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract