Best abstracts in pulmonary rehabilitation and chronic care

Oral Presentation
Chairs: Ioannis Vogiatzis (Athens, Greece), Frits M.E. Franssen (Horn, Netherlands)
Aims: The competition of 5 selected abstracts will take place during the session. Prizes, supported by Invacare) will be announced.
Comprehensive care programme for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) --- A randomized controlled trial (RCT)
Fanny W.S. Ko (Shatin, Hong Kong), Fanny W.S. Ko, Nai-Kwong Cheung, Timothy Rainer, Christopher C.M. Lum, Ivor Wong, David S.C. Hui
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Effectiveness of home tele-rehabilitation on functional capacity and daily physical activity in COPD patients
Maroula Vasilopoulou (Athens, Thrakomakedones, Greece), Maroula Vasilopoulou, Andriana I. Papaioannou, Nikolaos Chynkiamis, Theodora Vasilogiannakopoulou, Stavroula Spetsioti, Zafeiris Louvaris, Eleni Kortianou, Otilia Kocsis, Athanasios Tsopanoglou, Chrysoula Feridou, Eustathia Plataniti, Alexia Thomopoulou, Georgios Kaltsakas, Nikolaos G. Koulouris, Ioannis Vogiatzis
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
The REVIVE study: A randomised controlled trial of the effect of a programme of exercise on physical function in survivors of critical illness after discharge from the intensive care unit
Kathryn McDowell (Northern Ireland, United Kingdom), Kathryn McDowell, Brenda O’Neill, Bronagh Blackwood, Chris Clarke, Evie Gardner, Paul Johnston, Michaeline Kelly, John McCaffrey, Brian Mullan, Sally Murphy, John Trinder, Gavin Lavery, Daniel F. McAuley, Judy M. Bradley
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Effect of telehealthcare on exacerbations and hospital admissions in COPD: A randomised controlled trial
Charlotte Suppli Ulrik (Virum, Denmark), Thomas Ringbæk, Allan Green, Lars Chr. Laursen, Ejvind Frausing, Eva Brøndum, Charlotte Suppli Ulrik
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Evaluation of the impact of a pulmonary rehabilitation program on exercise capacity in LAM
Mariana Sponholz Araujo (Sao Paulo, Brazil), Mariana Sponholz Araujo, Bruno Guedes Baldi, André Luis Pereira de Albuquerque, Carolina Salim Gonçalves Freitas, Ronaldo Adib Kairalla, Celso Ricardo Fernandes de Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro de Carvalho
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Policy Statement on Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Carolyn Rochester (New Haven, United States of America)
Slide presentation
Slide presentation
LATE-BREAKING ABSTRACT: Increasing physical activity in patients with COPD using a telecoaching program: A multicenter RCT
Heleen Demeyer (Halle, Belgium), Heleen Demeyer, Zafeiris Louvaris, Rebecca Tanner, Noah Rubio, Anja Frei, Corina de Jong, Elena Gimeno Santos, Maarten Spruyt, Matthias Loeckx, Sara Buttery, Claire Yerramasu, Gilbert Buesching, Alexandra Strassmann, Ignasi Serra, Roberto Rabinovich, Iannis Vogiatzis, Michael Polkey, Judith Garcia Aymerich, Thierry Troosters
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation