Deliver bad news

How to
Chairs: Stefano Nava (Bologna, Italy)
Aims: To enable clinicians to deliver bad news while paying sufficient attention to the following issues: gathering adequate information from the patient, providing the necessary medical information as well as support to the patient, and collaborating with the patient in developing a strategy or treatment plan for the future.
Target audience: Pulmonologists, emergency medicine doctors, respiratory therapists, respiratory physicians, general practitioners, intensivists, nurses, pathologists, radiologists, thoracic surgeons, otolaryngologist and trainees.
Equivocal diagnoses - handling uncertainty when breaking bad news
Andrew Bush (London, United Kingdom)
WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
What comes next? The SPIKES protocol and the subject of prognosis
Nicolas Schönfeld (Berlin, Germany)
Slide presentation
Slide presentation