PG10 Malignant pleural effusion management

Postgraduate Course
Chairs: Philippe Astoul (Marseille, France), Marcin Skrzypski (Sopot, Poland)
Aims: To understand the new roles that molecular biology and histo-/cytopathology play in the diagnosis and management (treatment and prognosis) of malignant pleural effusions, and how to use these techniques (processing and data interpretation) in clinical practice.
Target audience: Trainees, pulmonary physicians, thoracic surgeons, pathologists, molecular biologists, and scientists.

Educational Material

Handout PG10
How to access educational materials from mobile devices
Which material in which disease?
Sebastian Fernandez Bussy (Santiago, Chile)
WebcastPDF journal article, handout or slidesSlide presentationMultimedia files
WebcastPDF journal article, handout or slidesSlide presentationMultimedia files
How to send your material to pathology
Philipp A. Schnabel (Homburg/Saar, Germany)
WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
Interpretation of the results in the clinic
Arnaud Scherpereel (Lille, France)
WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
WebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
Atypical mesothelial hyperplasia and other pitfalls in MPE diagnosis
Françoise Galateau-Salle (Caen, France)
PDF journal article, handout or slidesWebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files
PDF journal article, handout or slidesWebcastSlide presentationMultimedia files