Educational skills workshop 8: Spirometry knowledge and basic skills (European spirometry training programme)

Educational Workshop
Chairs: I. Steenbruggen (Zwolle, The Netherlands)
Aims: The main aim of this workshop is to allow participants to acquire basic skills in spirometry best practice. A workshop tutor will demonstrate a procedure to each work group of eight participants and time will then be allocated so participants will have the opportunity to practice the procedure using the equipment. In total, participants will visit four different workstations and will have hands-on practical experience in the following areas: how to operate different types of spirometers; how to perform cleaning procedures and log information; how to perform a spirometric test; and how to calibrate different devices.
European Spirometry Driving License
This workshop is run in conjuction with Postgraduate Course 16: Spirometry knowledge and basic skills. Participants who wish to complete part I of the European spirometry training programme must also attend Postgraduate Course 16, complete two hours of online learning, and successfully complete the online knowledge test. Completion of part I will also allow you to obtain level 1 of the European Spirometry Driving License. Following successful completion of part I, participants will be eligible to register for part II of the spirometry training programme. Further details can be found at

Educational Material

Handout PG16 & ESW Spirometry
 Reading list PG16

Workstation 1 - Spirometers - demonstration of how different types of spirometers work and how to clean and maintain them
B.G. Cooper (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
PDF journal article, handout or slides
PDF journal article, handout or slides
Workstation 2 - Infection control - perform cleaning procedures and example of how to log information
W. Tomalak (Rabka, Poland)
PDF journal article, handout or slides
PDF journal article, handout or slides
Workstation 3 - Spirometry - how to perform a spirometic test, implement safety measures and select the best values
J.D. Leuppi (Basel, Switzerland)
PDF journal article, handout or slides
PDF journal article, handout or slides
Workstation 4 - Calibration and quality control - how to calibrate different devices and perform biological control procedures
C. Gistau (Barcelona, Spain)
PDF journal article, handout or slides
PDF journal article, handout or slides