ELF/ERS “Effective engagement of patients and the public in science, healthcare and the media”

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Chairs: S. Hartl (Vienna, Austria), D. Smyth (Dublin, Ireland)
Aims: This session will inform scientists and healthcare professionals about the real advantages that can be obtained via patient involvement using real-life examples. Practically, the session will explain how to involve patient organisations in different levels and areas of healthcare and science, and how to make it effective for all. Examples will be given of positive and negative experiences from both the professional and patient. The session will also explain the role of the patient in ensuring science reporting in the media is fair and balanced.
Patient involvement in respiratory healthcare in Europe
M. Fletcher (Warwick, United Kingdom)
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More than just a study subject?
L. Buzermaniene (Vilnius, Lithuania)
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Patient and public involvement in guidelines and its impact on quality improvement
A. Boivin (Longueuil, Canada)
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What do scientists and doctors want from media coverage? How can patient input strengthen a news story?
V. Parry (London, United Kingdom)
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