The impact of the organisation of care on costs: the role of the physician in home care

Oral Presentation
Chairs: M. Studnicka (Salzburg, Austria), J. Lopez-Campos (Seville, Spain)
An evaluation of the safety, efficacy and cost-effectiveness for patients with acute respiratory illness, of a community-based intravenous medication service: The first 26 months
R. A. Khan, J. P. Cullen, S. Zaidi (Dublin, Ireland)
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Potential economic savings of administration of home intravenous antibiotic therapy to patients with acute respiratory infections in Ireland
M. McDonnell, M. Power, R. Rutherford, J. J. Gilmartin, J. J. Gilmartin (Galway, Ireland)
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
A prospective re-audit of admissions and discharge delays occurring in patients admitted to a district general hospital‘s respiratory ward in the United Kingdom
C. Chadwick, D. Murray, R. Sarkar, A. de Ramon Casado (Warrington, United Kingdom)
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
The attitude of physicians for asthma treatment and results in the inhaler market between 2004-2009 in Turkey
S. Altin, H. V. Kara (Istanbul, Gumushane, Turkey)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Stepping up the controller medication in asthma patients: Impact of various treatment options on costs
M. Sadatsafavi, P. Bedouch, M. FitzGerald, C. Narra, L. Lynd (Vancouver, Canada)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
The cost and diagnostic efficacy of microbiological evaluation of exudative pleural effusion
S. Bilaceroglu, S. Tekgül, H. Kuma, A. K. Cirak, S. Ozkaya (Izmir, Turkey)
Congress or journal article abstractE-poster
Congress or journal article abstractE-poster