ECDC and WHO tuberculosis guidelines: update 2011 (organised within the FP7 funded TB-PAN-NET project)

Chairs: D. Cirillo (Milan, Italy), A. Sandgren (Stockholm, Sweden)
Aims: This symposium is aimed at introducing the new guidelines of interest for pneumonologists
involved in TB care and control activities. The new TB guidelines (European-adapted Standards of
Care and new WHO guidelines on MDR-TB control) are presented in a unique forum offered by the ERS
to the European pneumonologists.
Guidance for implementation of TB care in the EU
G. B. Migliori (Tradate, Italy)
Slide presentationMultimedia files
Slide presentationMultimedia files
The WHO Guidelines for the Programmatic Management of drug-resistant TB: the 2011 update - recommendations and evidence
D. Falzon (Geneva, Switzerland)
Slide presentationMultimedia files
Slide presentationMultimedia files