Resuscitation and ventilation in the baby and infant

Oral Presentation
Chairs: R. Ross-Russell (Cambridge, United Kingdom), A. te Pas (Leiden, Netherlands)
Neonatal resuscitation at the community level
N. Bhandari, R. Bhandari, P. Kandel, S. Sharma (Kathmandu, Nepal)
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
The influence of oxygen inflow on ventilatory parameters during manual ventilation
P. Oliveira, A. Almeida-Junior, C. Almeida, M. A. Ribeiro, J. Ribeiro (Campinas, Brazil)
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Influence of mask leak on applied volumes and pressures during simulated resuscitation of neonates
J. C. Hartung, M. Kelm, H. Fischer, G. Schmalisch, C. C. Roehr (Berlin, Germany)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Appropriate level of volume targeting for ventilated infants born at or near term
O. Chowdhury, S. Lee, S. Hannam, G. F. Rafferty, A. Greenough (London, United Kingdom)
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Therapeutic hypercapnia prevents pulmonary hypertension in rats with bleomycin-induced chronic neonatal lung injury
C. Sewing, J. Ivanovska, C. Kantores, A. Masood, P. J. McNamara, A. K. Tanswell, R. P. Jankov (Toronto, Canada)
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
The distribution of lung aeration at different positive end-expiratory pressure levels in newborn rabbits
M. Siew, M. Kitchen, A. te Pas, M. Wallace, M. Islam, N. Yagi, K. Uesugi, S. Hooper (Clayton, Australia; Leiden, Netherlands; Hyogo, Japan)
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Hospitalization for bronchiolitis in very preterm infants without broncho-pulmonary dysplasia
B. Fauroux, J. C. Rozé, C. Guiilermet-Fromentin, I. Glorieux, L. Adamon, M. Di Maio, D. Anghelescu, D. Pinquier, B. Escande, C. Elleau, J. B. Gouyon (Paris, Nantes, Besançon, Toulouse, Caen, Poitiers, Rungis, Rouen, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Dijon, France)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract