Immunobiology in the transplanted lung: experimental and clinical evaluations

Oral Presentation
Chairs: C. Ward (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, United Kingdom), E. Verschuuren (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Late-breaking abstract: Non specific IgG replacement in lung transplantation recipients with low IgG plasma levels: Effects on survival and bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome occurrence
C. Pison, M. France, H. Roth, C. Saint Raymond, J. Claustre, B. Camara, S. Quétant, Grenoble Lung Transplantation Group (Grenoble, France)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Significance of anti-HLA immunization in lung transplantation
J. Reeb, P. E. Falcoz, N. Santelmo, Z. Mansour, A. C. Lejay, S. Renaud, A. Parissiadis, D. Hanau, R. Kessler, G. Massard (Strasbourg, France)
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Effect of cyclosporine A in ex vivo reperfused pig lungs
S. Gennai, M. Maignan, A. Brouta, R. Briot (Grenoble, La Tronche, France)
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Comparison between SCOT-15® and Perfadex® as lung preservation solutions
A. Olland, C. Meers, M. Benahmed, K. Elbayed, S. Wauters, E. Verbeken, G. Verleden, I. Namer, D. Van Raemdonck (Leuven, Belgium; Strasbourg, France)
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractSlide presentation
MSK1 kinase in obliterative bronchiolitis after heterotopic tracheal transplantation
S. Nemska, F. Daubeuf, L. Reber, N. Frossard (Illkirch, France)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
Development of a novel model of obliterative bronchiolitis following orthotopic lung transplantation in the rat
M. Vadori, F. Lunardi, D. Arben, A. De Filippis, E. Cozzi, F. Rea, F. Calabrese (Padua, Italy)
Congress or journal article abstract
Congress or journal article abstract
A new mouse model of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
A. Vaneylen, S. De Vleeschauwer, W. Jungraithmayr, S. Wauters, S. Willems, S. Verleden, A. Willems-Widyastuti, B. Vanaudenaerde, D. Van Raemdonck, E. Verbeken, G. Verleden (Leuven, Belgium; Zurich, Switzerland)
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation
Congress or journal article abstractE-posterSlide presentation