Saturday, 15.02.2020

08:00 - 09:309789Noninvasive ventilation outside the ICUSymposium
08:00 - 09:309798Rescue therapies for respiratory failureSymposium
08:00 - 09:309782Health-related quality (HRQL) of life in patients with long-term ventilationSymposium
10:00 - 11:159814Diagnostic techniques during mechanical ventilationSymposium
11:30 - 12:309787Noninvasive ventilation and noninvasive CPAP in the PICUCase-based session
11:30 - 12:309811Understanding the ventilator waveformMeet the expert
11:30 - 12:309796Measurements of nocturnal gas exchangeMeet the expert
13:30 - 15:309797Weaning from mechanical ventilationCase-based session
13:30 - 15:309802Problem-solving - Case studies of NIV problemsCase-based session
15:45 - 17:209804Closing session: Year in PreviewSymposium