PDW Educational supervision at work: clinical performance assessment

Professional development
Chairs: L. Konge (Virum, Denmark), R. Primhak (Sheffield (South Yorkshire), United Kingdom)
Aims: to help participants recognise the different types of workplace-based assessment, including the pros and cons of each assessment type, and the importance of reliability, validity, transparency, feasibility and educational impact; to explain how to overcome common problems related to the assessment process; to highlight the importance of faculty training. Please note that this content is not CME accredited, as it was part of a past ERS event.
Multi-source feedback tool: using coaching skills to give feedback
R. Primhak (Sheffield (South Yorkshire), United Kingdom)
Assessment of procedural skills DOPS & OSATS
L. Konge (Virum, Denmark)
Case based discussion as a formative assessment tool
N. Gibson (Glasgow (Glasgow), United Kingdom)