LoF Respiratory critical care / Sleep and Breathing disorders

Lungs on fire
Chairs: M. Schultz (Amsterdam, Netherlands), S. Schiza (Heraklion, Greece), M. Patout (Mont-Saint Aignan, France)
Aims: To describe real-life clinical cases during the innovative interactive session, including the presentation of cases that have various levels of difficulty and often necessitate a differential diagnosis. This session will be led by a discussant, who will present the cases to a panel of experts and the audience. The discussant will encourage discussion among the panel of experts, who are encountering these cases for the first time. To further determine diagnostic and therapeutic options for these patients, the discussant will also invite audience participation in the reflexion and discussion of these cases.
Presentation of cases by the session facilitator
M. Duiverman (Groningen, Netherlands)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation