
Non-continuous positive airway pressure therapy

Chairs: W. McNicholas (Dublin, Ireland), O. Deleanu (Bucharest, Romania)
Aims: The low compliance to CPAP treatment has stimulated alternative approaches to OSA treatment, from positional therapy, to upper airway stimulation to bariatric surgery. The session will clarify the indications, results, and problems for each of these treatments.
W. McNicholas (Dublin, Ireland), O. Deleanu (Bucharest, Romania)
Not known and not understood? Chances, evidence and limitations of bariatric surgery (exercise and weight loss)
J. Verbraecken (Edegem (Antwerp), Belgium)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation
Training and stimulation of upper airway muscles and nerves: evidence on speech therapy, electrical stimulation and hypoglossal nerve stimulation (oromyofacial exercises)
J. Steier (London, United Kingdom)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation
Positional therapy: who, when and how?
D. Testelmans (Leuven, Belgium)
WebcastSlide presentation
WebcastSlide presentation
Discussion and Q&A
J. Verbraecken (Edegem (Antwerp), Belgium), J. Steier (London, United Kingdom), D. Testelmans (Leuven, Belgium), W. McNicholas (Dublin, Ireland), O. Deleanu (Bucharest, Romania)